miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Show

Estimados Padres:

Reciban un caluroso saludo y abundantes bendiciones. Les comunicamos que los actos de Navidad de 3ero a 6to grado pasarn al dia Viernes 09 de Diciembre en la escuela a las 6:00 pm. Agradecemos su comprension y esperamos contar con su valiosa presencia este dia y disfrutar de una bonita velada con los niños. Muy agradecida por toda su coolaboracion.

Ms. Berrios

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

november 21-25

Estimados padres:

Les deseo de antemano que tengan un bendecido fin de semana. Les recuerdo que la proxima semana tendremos nuestra celebracion de Thanksgiving Day para esto envie una nota. Ademas el dia Miercoles sera half day los alumnos saldran a las 12:30 pm. el feriado correspondiente sera del Jueves 23- Viernes24.

El lunes 21 del presente tendremos el comprehension test de reading. Para estudiar que los niños lean historias en ingles y que escriban en una hoja el analisis de la misma, datos importantes como ser: el nombre de la historia, los personajes principales, el vocabulario, la trama y el desenlace entre otras.

Dios les bendiga

Ms. Berrios (4 ''B'')

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011


Next week we are having tests on math, language, reading, spelling, history and science. how to study??? follow the next steps:
  • Math: do on a separate piece of paper the exercises of the pages that you need to study.
  • Language: read and write down the important words; also do again the exercises on the workbook.
  • Reading: the more you read and understand a story, the better you will do on your comprehension test.
  • Spelling: read all the lists. say, spell and say. write the list as many time as you think you need. study vocabulary words.
  • History: read the study guide. if you have any doubts go over your book and read.
  • Science: read the study guide. if you have any doubts go over your book and read. also remember the examples we discussed during class.
Study hard!!! you can do better every day... God bless you and your family.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Homeworks for next week (Nov. 07-11)

  • Language: bring a white envelope and a post card. the envelope have to be a medium size and  the post card can be from any place you like. it have to be empty though, so we can work in class.
  • Math: page 76. remember that in  order to work corrcetly in the division problems you need to practice the multiplication tables.
  • Science: cut and paste 5 pictures of flowers in your science notebook. ou can search in magazines, news papers or internet.
  • Language: page 66 . read instructions carefully.
  • Math: page 78. any doubts about the exercises ask me during class so i can help you.
  • Spelling: rainbow words. use your favorite colors to do our homework.
  • Math: page 80
  • Math : pages 82 and 84.
  • Spelling test (list 11)
  • Reading test (comprehension)